Mayank Sharma

Mayank Sharma

Robotics Graduate Student

University of Maryland


I am an aspiring roboticist interested in gaining hands-on experience with robots integrated with perception. I recently worked as a Research Assistant at the Perception and Robotics Group, addressing an object tracking problem for mobile robots. Additionally, I had the opportunity to work as a Research Intern at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, where I contributed to the development of a novel docking mechanism to lock all six degrees of freedom of UAVs. My hands-on experience in building robots from scratch, involving tasks ranging from design to firmware development, was acquired during my undergraduate studies and through participation in robotics competitions like ABU Robocon. My interests encompass Autonomous Systems, Computer Vision, and Path Planning, and I am actively seeking full-time robotics roles starting in May 2024.

  • Autonomous Systems
  • Computer Vision
  • Path Planning
  • Control Systems
  • Masters in Robotics, 2024

    University of Maryland

  • B.Tech in Mechatronics, 2022

    NMIMS University


Robotics Algorithms & Autonomous Systems(RAAS) Lab
Graduate Student Researcher
Robotics Algorithms & Autonomous Systems(RAAS) Lab
March 2024 – Present College Park, USA
  • Improving object mapping and reconstruction with a mobile robot using Next-Best-View (NBV) planning, utilizing deep learning and Gaussian splats to predict full models efficiently from partial views without assuming they are centered at the object’s center.
Computer Vision Engineer Intern
Kick Robotics
February 2024 – Present College Park, USA
  • Developing a autonomous mobile robot to explore and map a warehouse with ORB-SLAM2 pipeline using LiDAR, IMU, Depth Camera, Nvidia Jetson, and ROS2 to monitor carbon monoxide levels.
  • Conceptualized and prototyped advanced electrical circuits for autonomous vehicles, seamlessly integrating sensors, actuators, and control systems, resulting in a significant 15% enhancement in vehicle efficiency.
Perception and Robotics Group
Graduate Student Researcher
Perception and Robotics Group
August 2022 – May 2023 College Park, USA
  • Created an RCNN-based object detection system, incorporating selective search, region proposal techniques, and multi-class support and demonstrated image classification capability on the ImageNet dataset.
  • Researched and implemented DeepFit technique for fitting surface on event point cloud dataset.
Lighter than Air Systems Lab, IIT Bombay
Robotics Engineer Intern
Lighter than Air Systems Lab, IIT Bombay
July 2021 – August 2022 Mumbai, India
  • Built battery swapping mechanisms and integrated them with the UAV docking mechanism resulting in 45% less time to charge than most techniques.
  • Developed firmware for a robust arresting mechanism to lock the UAVs in all six degrees of freedom.
NMIMS University
Control Systems Research Intern
NMIMS University
May 2021 – July 2021 Mumbai, India
  • Researched nonlinear BLDC motor speed control methods and implemented a speed control algorithm based on sliding mode reaching law (SMRL) on MATLAB Simulink.


Biomimicry Robotic Snake
Designed and simulated a robotic snake achieving snake like motion.
Biomimicry Robotic Snake
Camera Calibration
Tsai’s Method for Camera Calibration using QR decomposition to get camera intrinsics
Camera Calibration
Cyber Shopper
Executed pick-and-place operations for grocery items utilizing a mobile robot featuring a UR5 arm in ROS2 Gazebo and employed inverse kinematics to ensure precision in robotic manipulation.Used Peter Corke’s Toolbox in MATLAB to validate forward and inverse kinemtics of the UR5 arm. Introduced proportional control for robot’s mobile base movement.
Cyber Shopper
Implicit Neural Representations
Improved image reconstruction using positional encoding to achieve 29 PSNR with basic FFN over basic model.
Implicit Neural Representations
Optimal Control Robot Manipulator
Optimal Control Approach i.e LQR controller to solve the Robust Control problem of Robot Manipulator.
Optimal Control Robot Manipulator
Semantic Segmentation using Segformer
Trained Segformer model on cityscapes dataset and performed testing on edge devices achieving 45% mIOU.
Semantic Segmentation using Segformer
Structure From Motion
Reconstructed a 3D scene from a given set of images by feature correspondence with RANSAC-based outlier rejection along with triangulation and nonlinear optimization techniques for robust camera pose estimation.
Structure From Motion
Superpixel Image Segementation
SLIC superpixel image segementation network using ResNet18, achieving 85% accuracy.
Superpixel Image Segementation


(2023). A Study on Autonomous Mechanisms for Swapping of Batteries on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum.

PDF Cite

(2022). Design of Mobile Docking Mechanism for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles capable of Vertical Take-off and Landing. AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum.

PDF Cite